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An overdue rendezvous with causal rationality


Dirk Freyling independent researcher & artist

[artist name AlexD

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What is it all about?

A sustainable paradigm shift.


What is meant here by paradigm shift?

The replacement of the standard (thought) models [SM ΛCDM] of theoretical physics.

[SM] Standard Model of (Elementary) Particle Physics (SM)

[ΛCDM] Standard Cosmological Model (ΛCDM model)


What takes their place?

A much clearer, more effective, interdisciplinary, mathematically simpler model, which describes the micro- and macro-cosmos in a standardised, cross-scale and predictive way.



by  Dirk Freyling       1986 - today

[EBTThe »Elementary Body Theory (EBT)« deals in particular with answers to the question of how mass and space are linked to each other in a fundamental way and how their ‘interplay’ leads to understandable formations of matter that can be calculated formally and analytically - both microscopically and correspondingly macroscopically. Neither a variable time, nor mathematical space-time constructs, nor any form of sub-structuring are demonstrably necessary for a clear understanding and the resulting equations based on the phenomenologically founded elementary body theory.

Less is more...

Contrary to the statement of standard physics which postulates four fundamental forces, elementary (scale-corresponding) mass-space-coupling - reduces any interaction to the mass-to-radius ratio. This leads to constructive, “easy to understand” objects which can be expressed either by its radii or its reciprocally proportional masses.

four fundamental forces   →    mass - space - coupling


What are the arguments in favour of this paradigm shift?

The parsimony principle

[: Occam's razor   lex parsimoniae  principle of parsimony]

The strictly analytically ↓ motivated use of the

principle of parsimony


»Thought models« (Denkmodelle) can (only) be evaluated for consistency, internal axiomatic consistency, with regard to the ability to make concrete predictions of actually measured quantities and minimalism.

In order to be able to describe experimentally verifiable relationships formally and analytically within the framework of »thought models«, the »thought model« that makes the most accurate predictions possible with the fewest (physical) variables and mathematically simplest equations is to be favoured. Furthermore, the most suitable model of thought is the one which, in addition to the mathematics used, can describe both the microcosm and the macrocosm in a phenomenologically comprehensible and consistent manner (across scales), as well as capturing a formal and phenomenologically justifiable relationship between light (more precisely photonsPh) and matter.

[Ph] The term photons was first proposed in 1926 (21 years after Albert Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect) by the American physical chemist Gilbert Lewis in a paper entitled ‘The Conservation of Photons’. He speculated whether light consisted of a new type of atom, which he called photons, that could neither be created nor destroyed, i.e. obeyed a law of conservation [A. Pais ‘Raffiniert ist der Herrgott aber boshaft ist er nicht‘...‘Refined is the Lord, but he is not malicious. Albert Einstein, a scientific biography, Vieweg 1986, p. 413].





by  Dirk Freyling       1986 - today

In the following, the elementary body theory (EBT, EKT = German based abbreviation) is presented primarily without direct comparison with the standard models of elementary particle physics and cosmology.



The EBT is based on plausibility and minimalism and provides phenomenologically based equations without free parameters and a formalism which leads to results which are in good to very good agreement with experimental measured values. For a clear understanding and as a result of the phenomenologically based elementary particle theory generated equations, neither a variable time, nor mathematical space-time constructs, nor any form of substructuring are necessary.

The time-dependent elementary body equations are derived from the observed invariance of the (vacuum) speed of light. The fundamental difference to the (special) theory of relativity respectively to the Lorentz transformation is the radially symmetric-dynamic character of these equations.

The main object of the elementary body theory is the elementary body originally a pulsating hollow sphere. At maximum expansion the hollow spherical shell-mass is at rest. The equations of motion - based on a sine function - describe the complete transformation of motion energy without rest mass (photon) to mass.



(thought) model history

The problem of understanding and interpretation from the point of view of standard physicists began or begins - as is so often the case - with a formalism "liberated" from real physics. The observable invariance of the (vacuum) speed of light is by no means “directly” linked to the special theory of relativity (SRT), as is suggested. The historically much-cited Michelson-Morley experiment is one-dimensionally conceived and says nothing at all about particles with mass in the sense of the prevailing physics, nor does it deal with transverse components. The mathematical invariance of the transverse components is merely a formal consequence of observers moving uniformly in a straight line with respect to force-free particles in a mathematical model (of thought). In other words, the entire construct of the Lorentz transformation(s) is bound to inertial systems. Phenomenologically, the SRT says nothing about the invariance of the speed of light.

Before misunderstandings arise, it is not claimed that the mathematics of the theory of relativity is wrong. How could an axiomatically founded thesis be wrong? But the mathematical construct has - apart from the underlying observable invariance of the [vacuum] speed of light - no basis in real physics. Although there are observations, there is no phenomenology for the mathematics of SRT. The “relativity of observers” associated with the inertial system is a “tricky matter”, as measurable system changes only occur in nature when energy is exchanged. However, energy exchange basically means that accelerations occur. With acceleration, the inertial system “disappears” and, consequently, so does the Lorentz transformation in its original form. The mathematics of SRT is not wrong, but “by definition” not dynamic.

In simple terms: as early as 1986, during my undergraduate studies in physics, I asked myself which mathematical (primal) equation represents the “relativistic” factor of the dynamized Lorentz transformation. The fact is that real-object interactions are always dynamic, regardless of specific approaches. Since the SRT is “inertial system-loaded”, it was essential to replace v = const. with v = dr/dt for a dynamic development process.

Finding the function r(t) = r0 - sin(c - t/ r0) was therefore simple. The elementary body (re)construction that was devised later represents one of the attempts to imagine “something” geometrically. But primarily and ultimately, the “simple” replacement of the “unnaturally” constant speed with a variable speed was the key to a completely new understanding.


The basic mass-space-model requires that the equations portray both the massless photon and mass. The equations r (t) = r0 · sin (c · t / r0) and m (t) = m0 · sin (c · t / r0) do exactly that. The timeless speed of light - as a state of pure motion - is not contradictory with the matter-energy-embodiment.


Historical insights

As early as 1717*, Isaac Newton commented on the transformation of light into matter and vice versa,...

"Are not gross bodies and light convertible into another, and may not bodies receive much of their activity from the particles of light which enter their composition? The changing of bodies into light and light into bodies is very conformable to the course of Nature, which seems delighted with transmutations."

* Newton , I. (1717) Opticks, or, a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light, Query 30.



Background information

The self-evident fact that the distance on a spherical surface does not correspond to the "straight" distance between points A and B requires no abstraction.

This leads to the Compton wavelength as a mass equivalent. From this consideration follow "geometrically" mass-specific radii. Compton wavelengths are measurands. [ CODATAC(Proton)  CODATAC(Elektron) ]




The transformation from a photon to a mass-radius-coupled space does not correspond phenomenologically to a partial oscillation, as was initially assumed (also) within the framework of the elementary-body-model. The matter-forming transformation of a photon corresponds to an irreversible »state change«.

Elementary body evolution equations


              dynamized relativistic factor


Rest mass

The rest mass (invariant mass) of the special theory of relativity (SRT) is inherently linked to inertial systems. Definition of the term: A quantity that does not change during Lorentz transformations is called Lorentz invariant. In the special theory of relativity, mass (mSRT) is defined as a Lorentz invariant quantity.

In the context of the present approximation-free, phenomenologically based elementary body theory, the term rest mass (m0) is used, but this is to be distinguished from the term rest mass in the special theory of relativity (SRT).

The rest mass corresponds to the fully formed elementary body (m(t) = m0, r(t) = r0). The internal dynamics and all possible elementary body interactions are independent of the inertial system.

From the point of view of real physics-oriented elementary body theory, only the Lorentz factor γSRT “remains” from the theory of relativity as a one-dimensional, static case of a generally valid formulation γdyn based on elementary body theory:

γdyn = 

inertial system-free, radially symmetrical, dynamic

γSRT = 

inertial system, static and one-dimensional

Formality as reality

Thoughts from Claes Johnson (Professor of Applied Mathematics)

Modern theoretical physicists have been brought up to believe that mathematical formulas can reveal a deep truth about reality that goes far beyond the understanding of the physicists who write down the formulas: It is a form of Kabbalistic science, where signs on a piece of paper take on deep meaning. This is demonstrated by the Lorentz transformation of special relativity, which is a simple linear coordinate transformation that is believed to reveal some deep truths about the space and time we live in. Truths so baffling, contradictory and counter-intuitive that an endless number of books have been written to explain what the meaning is without clarifying anything.” Source: “Dr. Faustus of Modern Physics


Time reversal, as required "mechanistically" from classical physics to quantum mechanics, is in general contradictory to measuring reality (thermodynamic processes). The fully developed elementary body (r (t) = r0, m (t) = m0) can not regain the state of the photon by itself.

The time-dependent mass formation is coupled to the time-dependent radius magnification r = r (v (t)). In simple words, the initial, pure motion energy gives rise to time-dependent spherical surfaces, which as such span a space whose reciprocal size is a measure of the equivalent mass. After a quarter period (½ · π), the elementary body is fully developed (r (t) = r0, m (t) = m0), meaning that the expansion velocity v (t) is zero.

Since the process of resting-mass reduction corresponds to an inversion of the relativistic dynamics of a velocity-dependent momentum mass, the internal dynamics for energy conservation of the elementary body is suggestively called momentum-mass inversion.


State as information = photon

t = 0 ,  the entire energy is available as pure information, mass- and spaceless


Information as a material condition = elementary body

t (½π) ,  the total energy is "present as" mass m0 with radius r0

Phenomenologically, the transformation of motion information into spatial information is complete. Without external interaction the elementary body remains in this state. If the elementary body is "excited" from the outside, different interaction scenarios occur which, depending on the energy of the interaction partners, lead to partial annihilation or (full) annihilation. Matter-forming partial annihilations are formed in the simplest form by the proton-electron interaction (keywords: Rydberg energy, hydrogen spectrum). Mass-coupled space annihilates according to r (t) and m (t). "Radiation" is absorbed or emitted. The interaction reversibility that is possible must be via excitation from the outside. This could be the interaction with other elementary bodies, photons or "embodied fields", which can always be understood as elementary body (states).

One basic misunderstanding ("outside" the elementary-body theory) is that the properties of an interacting photon are projected onto the "resting state" of the photon. However, according to equation [P2.3] and its temporal derivative [P2.3b], as well as [P2m], the »resting state« of the photon is the space- and massless, "light-fast" (energy) state of maximum motion. This means that an information is propagated that "unfolds" only upon absorption (interaction) of the photon in accordance with equations [P2.3], [P2m] and their derivatives, and then the time-dependent phenomena of interference and (mass-based) collision shows. In regard to photons in interstellar space, the light path and thus the photon is invisible. Only when an interaction (absorption) "appears", the photon becomes visible (detectable).


                                                                        [F1]:  mass-radius constants equation


A fundamental result of the mass-space coupling is that the product of the [rest] mass m0 and the [maximum] radius r0 of an »elementary body« is constant and is described by the mass-radius constant equation [F1].

Exact calculation of  the proton radius

A consideration of the elementary body provides an accurate theoretical value for the proton radius. Elementary body theory based the proton radius is arithmetically the Compton wavelength λC of the proton divided by π/2.

FEK = 1,40706917669844e-42 kgm

m0 = mp : Proton mass = 1,67262192595e-27 kg  +/- 0,00000000052 (CODATA 2022)

h = 6,62607015e-34 Js (exact)   ;  c = 2,99792458e08 ms-1 (exact)

                         8,41235640e-16  [ m ] EBT exact calculated proton radius

This result is in excellent accordance with the measured value of the proton radius (investigation muonic hydrogen, July 2010 at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland and 2012/2013, hydrogen 2017, 2019, ongoing...

 8,4075e-16 m (CODATA 2022) +/- 0,0064  measured proton radius

For a long time, physicists who had supposedly measured a proton radius ~ 4% larger in electron-proton scattering experiments fought against “Team Randolf Pohl & Co”, who had repeatedly measured the smaller proton radius on muonic hydrogen and later also on regular hydrogen.

It turned out that the “fighters” ignored for a long time that the measurement error in their scattering experiments was so large that the smaller proton radius measurement value was already included in it.



Standard model views

QED and QCD on the proton radius

The proton radius cannot be calculated within the framework of quantum field theory (keywords QFT...QM...QED) or within the framework of the standard model of elementary particle physics. What can be found “there” in the literature in terms of supposed calculation possibilities, incidentally also for the proton mass, is based - “in a nutshell” - on lattice gauge (field) theory simulations. These are purely iterative procedures that roughly “simulate” known measured values after very long computing times using cluster computer systems.

New Insights into the Nucleon’s Electromagnetic Structure 2022